Security Center
Security Center
W działającym przy Stowarzyszeniu Europejskim Centrum Bezpieczeństwa zrzeszone jest grono międzynarodowych expertów ds. bezpieczeństwa, z Polski, Francji, Włoch, Hiszpanii, Wielkiej Brytanii, Irlandii, Ukrainy, USA czy RPA. Nasza współpraca polega na wymianie doświadczeń w zakresie usług szkoleniowych. Wspólnie ustalamy i wdrażamy międzynarodowe standardy w obszarze procedur działania w sytuacji zagrożenia. Podejmujemy wspólne działania z policją i innymi służbami ratunkowymi.
In the European Security Center operating at PASSA Association, there is a group of highly trained international security experts from Poland, France, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Ireland, Ukraine, United States and South Africa. Our mutual co-operation is based on exchanging experiences within the field of training services. Together, we set and implement international standards in the area of emergency procedures. We undertake joint activities, i.e. various training programs, workshops with the police as well as other emergency services.
We organize seminars as well as workshops and specialist courses during which we constantly improve qualifications of many people involved in development of personal and public safety, supported by examinations and certifications.
- SPAIN - Jose Manuel Gonzalez Sanjuan
- SPAIN - Jose Luis Martin Martin Perez
- UNITED STATES - Robert Rand
- GREAT BRITAIN - John Jenkins
- GREAT BRITAIN - Piotr Fajęcki
- SOUTH AFRICA - Glenn Mortelmans
- POLAND - Marcin Ziółkowski
- POLAND - Robert Pawłowski
- IRELAND - Anthony Cunnane
- UKRAINE - Piotr Nurzyński
- GREAT BRITAIN - Robert Iluczyk
- FRANCE - Francois Ladasic
- ITALY - Ivan Franco
Our instructors team is a selected group of experts with a long term experience in law enforcement and military units. Read more:
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Katarzyna Banasik - Team Menager
Andrzej Marczak - Head Instructor